Friday, October 15, 2010

Hope found in the depths

I just was reading an article on the Power To Change website about the Chilean Miners' rescue.  Campus Crusade for Christ Chile had partnered with the rescue efforts by providing MP3 players for all the miners which had an audio copy of the Jesus film and the Bible.  Through the clear presentation of the life Jesus and His offer of hope and new life for all two of the miners became followers of Jesus while trapped in the mine.  One of the miners, "Mario Sepulveda, who handed out rocks from the bottom of the mine as souvenirs, stated: 'I seized the hand of God, it was the best hand. I always knew God would get us out of there.'"  To read more

I was just having a chat last night with a friend who is being baptised on Sunday.  I asked him what had made him decide to become a follower of Jesus.  He told me that he had been coming to church for a number of years and wanted to live a good life but for a long time it was just that: his effort in trying to live a good life.  It was in the midst of an intense personal crisis that God opened his eyes to the fact that being a follower of Jesus was about being in a relationship with God.  He said the truth hit him hard and he found himself weeping for hours.  He still wants to live a good life but now it comes from His daily, moment by moment walking with God rather than out of his own "tryin' hard to do right." 

Don't ya just love the way God brings hope in dark and difficult times?  Whether it is physical darkness, emotional darkness, relational darkness or whatever, the light of God's hope shines so brightly and changes lives forever.  "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade-- kept in heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by God's power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time." (1Peter 1:3-5)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The prayer of a righteous woman is effective

Sorry for the slight misquote in the title but I have to share this story with you. I was recently talking with a lady named Rita who has a number of deer living in her area. I am not completely clear on the timeline, but some time ago Rita noticed one of the bucks was crippled. His hindquarters clearly had been injured which made it difficult for him to walk, lie down and get up. Rita's guess was that he had been hit by a vehicle. Even one of his antlers had broken off!

Well Rita has a soft heart and a deep belief in the power of God so she is compelled to begin praying for this injured buck. "Lord, please heal him and take away his pain" was her plea. Again, I am a little sketchy on the timeline but sometime after Rita began to pray for this deer she was driving home from work. Close to home a buck came walking out onto the road. At first Rita's heart jumped because she thought it was her injured buck; but this one had no limp or any sign of injury in the way he moved across the road. She thought perhaps she was mistaken so quickly asks that God would show her if this indeed is her deer. At that moment the buck stopped and looked directly at her. He stayed there for about 20 seconds gazing right at her and clear as anything, Rita could see the deer's broken antler. And with that confirmation, he bounded off the road and into the trees without the slightest evidence of injury.

Now I don't think we should start up a healing ministry for wildlife, nor do I think that this deer should become a destination for people on spiritual pilgrimage. But I do know that God has intervened in this deer's life for a reason: He wanted to show me that He does indeed answer prayer, even prayers that some might deem frivolous. I heard this story at a point of disappointment and discouragement. It was exactly what I needed to hear from my Father to lift me up and re-orient my perspective towards His faithfulness and provision. The words of Jesus ring in my ears,

"Not even a sparrow [or a deer], worth only half a penny [okay deer are probably worth more than that], can fall to the ground [or be hit by a truck] without your Father knowing it... So don't be afraid; you are more valuable to him than a whole flock of sparrows [or herd of deer]." (Matthew 10:29, 31)

Perhaps you are going through a challenging time, or someone you know is hurting right now. Know that God values each of us far more than He does an injured buck and that He will answer our prayer in exactly the way that is best.

PS Rita thinks she has a picture of the buck when he was injured and she will get one of him healed for all you skeptics out there.  I'll be sure to post them as soon as I have them.