Tuesday, January 14, 2014

How did you use your Christmas break?

This Christmas TruthMedia partnered with the Power To Change Students at their P2C+ conference.  This is an annual event that is used to bring together university students who have been discipled in the Fall and who want to be better quipped to share their faith at their school in the New Year.  TruthMedia was asked to give the students an opportunity to use the internet to tell other people about Jesus.

Our team scrambled hard to pull together an experience that would provide good training and challenge the students to the possibilities for digital evangelism.  It was amazing how God helped us create in a very short amount of time a unique training experience for these students and the structure to help them use The Mentor Center.

125 students signed up for this workshop at the two conference sites (Calgary and Toronto) and over the course of 2-5 hours they were able to send out over 800 messages!  It has been so cool to read through the personal testimonies that these students shared and the responses that they received in return.

One of the messages that came back was, "I prayed the prayer . Thank you so much .  I'm going to be very honest , I use profanity a lot . But I'm working on it . I feel like because of how I used to be , bad, acting up people just don't get me . What people don't know is that I want to help people , be there for the people who need someone . You know ? Thank you so much , I really appreciate that you replied to my message . I understand y'all probably get a lot of messages each day and I thought y'all were just going to go right past mine. Thanks for the help ."

Please pray for the on-going impact of the messages that have been sent out.  Pray for the students as they decide about staying on as mentors.  Pray for those who have prayed to receive Christ through the messages of the students and those who have been encouraged to take steps closer to Jesus.

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